Dear Fellow American,

My name is Erik Olsen, I am running for United States Congress in Wisconsin's 2nd Congressional District on the Republican ticket.

I care very deeply about our state and our country. I grew up in Madison, went to UW for undergrad, and then completed a law degree and a masters degree in anthropology at UW Madison. For the last 17 years I have practiced law in a small firm that I started. We represent landowners and we protect people's property rights.

We have to work harder than ever before to make sure that our children, and their children, and many generations into the future enjoy the same blessings of liberty, peace, prosperity, and opportunity that we have enjoyed.

The limit that each person may donate is $2,900 but all donations of any size are greatly appreciated.

Thank you for supporting our campaign, and for helping us to do this important work in Wisconsin's second congressional district.


Erik Olsen

Candidate for US Congress

Erik Olsen WI2

601 Sawyer Terrace

PO Box 5218

Madison, WI 53705


© 2022 Erik Olsen